a.     Every student brings the book to the school diary.
b.     If the student loses or spoils the handbook fine of Rs. ...... will have to be paid before a duplicate copy is issued.
2.     Class hours and attendance
a.     Every student must attend class regularly. The working day is divided into two sessions lasts from 8:35 am to 11:50 am to 12 noon with a 15 minutes break for tiffin.
b.     Students are reminded that there must be perfect silence in the classrooms.
c.     Absentees will not be allowed to attend classes without producing a valid “leave letter.”
d.     All cases which can be foreseen, a leave of absence must obtain beforehand from the principal. When absence is due to sickness or other unforeseen cause’s application for leave must be made as early as possible to the principal. All applications for leave must be signed by the parent or guardian of the pupil. Oral messages will not be attended to.
e.     Pupils requiring leave during school hours must obtain it from the principal and notify their class teachers before going away.
f.     No pupil who has been absent shall be admitted without the admission note from the principal.
g.     Students must not leave the school premises during school hours without the express permission of the principal.
h.     At the second bell, morning and afternoon students must be in their respective classes.