1.     Since language is a matter of habit and practice all the students are expected to speak ENGLISH when they are in school. Premises and are encouraged to speak English with one another even after school hours.
2.     The classrooms are reserved for study and must not be used for the purpose of recreation.
3.     Pupils are strictly forbidden to write or make any remark on the walls or any part of the school premises of furniture and any pupil found doing so will be liable to punishment.
4.     Pupils are forbidden to through paper and ink about the floor or the classroom. The waste paper must be put into the baskets provided for the purpose.
5.     Every pupil must salute the teacher of the school when they meet them in the school and when he first meets them during the day on the school premises or outside.
6.     No pupils shall leave the classroom with put permission from the teacher in charge of the class or until the class is dismissed.
7.     Pupils are strictly forbidden to enter the teachers’ common room or the office room without permission.
8.     Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience, and disrespect towards the members of the staff or bad moral influence justifies dismissal. Pupils are responsible to school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
9.     Any damage done to the school property will have to be made good by the one who has done it.
10.     Late comers will be marked absent and are liable to serious punishment.
11.     Pupils themselves are responsible for their books, pen, Tiffin carriers, or any other article they may bring to school.
12.     No student is allowed to bring to the school or school premises any article to prove a source of the disturbance. All such things will be immediately confiscated.
13.     Pupils absent from an examination without grave reasons will be considered as having failed. Pupils absent from any examination will not be re-examined.
14.     After seven days of continuous absence without intimation, the absentee’s name will be struck off the rolls. If -readmitted he should pay the admission fee.
15.     Promotion may be denied to the boys if in the opinion of the principal his attendance each month is found unsatisfied.
16.     Every pupil must take part in games and other activities unless declared unfit physically or exempted by the principal.

17.     Parents and guardians are not allowed to see the children or interview teachers during school hours.
18.     All the communication & correspondence related to the school should be addressed to the principal only.